thing possessed meaning in Chinese
- Dialectic school propounds the following propositions . 1 , concept is subjective ; 2 , the reality of concepts demands some conditions ; 3 , the reality of a concept rests on application ; 4 , the space and time of a phenomenon of a thing are subjective ; 5 , the phenomenon of a thing possesses no certainty ; 6 , phenomenon is the cultivation of inner subjectivity and the outer existence . 7 , phenomenon is motionless ; 8 , rational thinking is able to recognize the issue of the field of phenomenon , rather than the issues within the field of thing it self
摘要先秦名家通过辨析概念与事物的关系,揭示了:一、概念是主观的;二、概念作为实在存在的条件;三、概念的真实意义在于运用;四、事物作为现象存在,其空间性、时间性是主观的;五、作为现象的事物是不确定的;六、现象是主体先验感知模式与外在尘缘的作为;七、现象是静止的;八、理性思维只能关注经验现象,对事物的真正无效。 - The constituting conditions include : object condition ( mainly applied to chattels , thing possessed under entrust ) ; subject condition ( the transferor is a person having entire ability of civil action and he is the legal person possessing the object ; the transferee cannot be a person with naught ability of civil action ) ; impersonality condition ( the transferor makes a transfer having no right , the transferee gets the practical possess of the property through a valid and costly trade ) ; subjective condition ( the transferee is in good faith )
善意取得制度的构成要件包括:客体要件? ?标的物主要是动产(占有委托物) ;主体要件? ?让与人为完全民事行为能力人、并且是标的物的合法占有人,受让人不能是无民事行为能力人;客观要件? ?让与人为无权处分、受让人通过有效之有偿交易行为而取得财产的现实占有;主观要件? ?受让人善意受让财产的交付。